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IMG_4715 2.HEIC

NASA Langley Research Center, Space Mission Analysis Branch
Summer 2024

     I conducted foundational work necessary to model water margins for future crewed exploration missions, with a particular focus on crewed Mars missions. I identified and researched factors relevant to water usage/production through an initial literature review. In addition, I determined qualitative and quantitative relationships between various components of crewed spaceflight systems. I designed and ran a case study to identify various modeling considerations regarding water usage and margins during human spaceflight through system analysis and data visualization. 


     Through this work, I identified challenges that will be relevant for future long-duration missions that are not fully addressed by current water margin modeling capabilities, such as the potential need for dynamic margins. I developed and documented a model methodology based on my findings, identifying the ways in which my findings utilize and fit into the team’s existing modeling capabilities. The project required extensive technical communication, including collaboration with subject matter experts, preparation of technical written reports, and presentations of my findings.

Supportability Intern Exit Presentation

MIT Media Lab, Space Enabled Group

     I worked in the MIT Media Lab's Space Enabled Group developing hardware to examine the behavior of melted wax in microgravity environments. Ultimately, the goal of the lab is to study this behavior in hopes of using wax as a more environmentally and economically sustainable fuel for satellites. I have conducted testing on model hardware, analyzed the results to determine necessary changes for the flight hardware, and helped make physical modifications to the flight hardware prior to a sub-orbital flight. After the flight, I conducted a post-flight analysis of the data collected from the Blue Origin NS-24 flight. I conducted visual and quantitative analyses on video footage of the experiment, flight trajectory data, and a flight simulation to map the wax behavior to the flight timeline.




     I conducted an independent research project: Developing a Model In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) System for Oxygen Sustaining Life Support and Launch Cost Reduction for Mars. I grew crops in various ratios of potting soil and Martian regolith simulant to determine the impact the growth substrate has on plant growth. I then developed an original mathematical model to determine the amount of oxygen produced per plant based on biomass, and the launch cost reduction when using each substrate. I found the ideal ratio, which optimized maximum oxygen production with minimum launch mass/cost. I also conducted a follow-up study to determine if adding biochar to the regolith simulant will stabilize the soil aggregates and improve plant growth. I learned how to communicate my work with others through designing posters, slideshows, and oral presentations, which helped me when competing and winning at local, state, and international-level science fairs, ultimately placing highest in the history of my school's research program. 

Astrophysics, University of Colorado Boulder Campus
Summer 2022

     The Summer Science Program (SSP), founded in 1959, is a research-based program for high school students talented in STEM. The immersive, college-level program pushes students to overcome their limits through collaboration and perseverance. As we taught and learned from one another, tremendous friendships were formed.

     My teammates and I studied the orbit of near-Earth asteroid 1994 PC1. We then used our observations to code a 400+ line Python program that utilized the Method of Gauss to determine the orbital elements of this asteroid. We wrote an orbital determination report detailing our results. Working with the Southwest Research Institute, we modeled the stability of our calculated orbit. Turns out there's a ten percent chance of 1994 PC1 hitting the Earth over the next 50 million years!​


Winning at ISEF!

Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS)

  • Finalist (2023)


Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF)

  • Grand Award winner:  2nd place in Plant Sciences (2022)

  • Special Award winner: 1st place Air Force Research Laboratory on behalf of the United States Air Force award in Plant Sciences (2022)


New York State Science & Engineering Fair (NYSSEF)

  • Grand Award winner: 1st place in Plant Sciences (2022)

  • Special Award winner: Mu Alpha Theta Award in mathematics (2022)

  • Grand Award winner: 2nd place in Plant Sciences (2023)

  • Special Award winner: NASA Earth Systems Award (2023)


American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Annual Meeting

  • Second Place in High School Student Poster Competition (2022)


Juliette O'Rourke-Albanese Scholarship in Chemistry (2023)


Westchester-Rockland Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS)

  • First Place in Plant/Earth & Environmental Science (2023)


Westchester Science & Engineering Fair (WESEF)

  • Grand Award winner: 2nd place in Plant Sciences (2023)

  • Special Award winner: Association of Women Geoscientists Award of Geoscience Excellence (2023)

  • Special Award winner: Ricoh Sustainable Development Award (2023)

  • Grand Award winner: 4th place in Plant Sciences (2022)

  • Special Award winner: American Meteorological Society Award (2022)


Westlake/Somers Science Fair

  • First place award winner (2021)


Civic Awards

  • Certificate of Recognition from New York State Senate for 2023 Regeneron STS (2023)

  • Citation from New York State Assembly for 2023 Regeneron STS (2023)

  • Certificate of Recognition from Westchester County Executive George Latimer for 2023 Regeneron STS (2023)

  • Certificate of Merit from Westchester Board of Legislators: Recognition for 2023 Regeneron STS (2023)

  • Proclamation from Westchester County Executive George Latimer: Recognition of individual achievement in scientific research (2022)


Harrison High School Science and Technology Symposium (2021-2023)

  • Featured presenter and speaker 



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